Boards and Commissions

Boards and Commissions Home

The Municipality of Skagway has many Boards and Commissions. If you are interested in serving on any board, committee or commission please fill out the Boards & Commission Volunteer Form below and return it to the Borough Offices. Links to each Board, Commission and Committee can be found in the menu to the right.

Boards and Commissions established by municipal code:

  • Dahl Memorial Clinic Board
  • Dyea Community Advisory Board
  • Ports and Harbors Advisory Board
  • Historic District Commission
  • Library Board
  • Museum Board
  • Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Recreation Board
  • Skagway Visitor Advisory Board
  • Solid Waste Advisory Committee

Mayoral Ad Hoc Committees:

  • Comprehensive Trail Plan Committee
  • Marine Highway Committee
  • Open Spaces in Skagway (OASIS) Committee
  • Substance Misuse Prevention Committee
  • Housing Committee